
Showing posts from April, 2018

LSSL 5385 02 Book Blogs #17-#25

Karen Williams LSSL 5385 02 Book Blogs #17 - #25 17 Young Adult Author King, A.S.  (2009).  The Dust of 100 Dogs.   New York, NY:  Speak. 320 pages Book Summary:    Emer, a pirate bound and determined to find her long lost love, Seanie.  Through years of triumphs and defeats, they rekindle their love after many voyages Emer endured fighting pirates and taking over fleets, while collecting treasures with her crew.  Finally, as she says farewell to her faithful followers, Emer and Seanie leave, only to be followed by the Frenchman who wants to caputure Emer for himself.  In the end of her story, Emer and Seanie hide the treasure, only to be killed and a curse of living lives of 100 dogs is placed upon her.  Reincarnated after the curse 300 years later, as Saffron, the journey continues to get the treasure.  Saffron lives her life through the encouragement of Emer, finds the treasure, but loses the last battle as...