Required Readings #11-15 LSSL 5360-02 Children's Literature
Giovanni, N. (2005). Rosa. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company.
Summary: As you read the biography, you understand the cover. Coretta Scott King award winner and Caldecott Honor about courage and perseverance. Rosa Parks struggled during civil rights times and the bus event helped move towards equality one step forward.
Response: Illustrations by Bryan Collier offer a warmth comfort knowing Mrs. Parks overcame something greater than she was. African American culture, race relations, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all are connected and have made segregation improvements, but we still seem to have a ways to go.
Repunzel's Revenge
Hale, S. (2008). Rapunzel's Revenge. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Children's Books.
Summary: Repunzel is placed in a tower after refusing to be Gothel's daughter. Repunzel escapes and starts a quest to be with her birth mother. Repunzel befriends a young boy named Jack to help her. This graphic novel is in the style of a fairy tale but with a twist of magic and fantasy.
Response: This graphic novel could be appropriate for older elementary readers and could be a quick read. The colorful illustrations add to the magical tale and the adventure of Repunzel.
It's So Amazing
Harris, R. (1999). It's So Amazing: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families. Boston, MA: Candlewick Press.
Summary: Written and illustrated in comic book style, this non fiction text detailed about biology and reproduction phases will be informative, descriptive, and created for children who are curious about where babies come from. Equally written for parents who need a basis for introducing children to the topics of "eggs, sperm, birth, babies, families, and so much more.
Response: The comedic side conversations between the bird and the bee make an uncomfortable conversation less intimidating. Parents may select which topics are appropriate for their own children before introducing the book if they so desire.
Book Review by Sex Ed Rescue. A great resource for parents wanting to know more about the book and its contents.
Gino, A. (2015). George. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.
Summary: Melissa is a trans girls ready to tell the world about her desire to express herself the way she has always felt. Trying to hide her feelings and curiosities becomes easier after she shares information about herself to her family, close friend Kelly, and soon her school mates. Although not easily done, Melissa still has obstacles to overcome one day at a time.
Response: George is a "progressive middle school fiction novel" as stated by website. There will be another book out soon by Alex Gino next year.
Visit Alex Gino's website and learn more about the author.
Giovanni, N. (2005). Rosa. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company.
Summary: As you read the biography, you understand the cover. Coretta Scott King award winner and Caldecott Honor about courage and perseverance. Rosa Parks struggled during civil rights times and the bus event helped move towards equality one step forward.
Response: Illustrations by Bryan Collier offer a warmth comfort knowing Mrs. Parks overcame something greater than she was. African American culture, race relations, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all are connected and have made segregation improvements, but we still seem to have a ways to go.
Listen to the powerful speech Martin Luther King, Jr. gave August 28, 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr. speech
Repunzel's Revenge
Hale, S. (2008). Rapunzel's Revenge. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Children's Books.
Summary: Repunzel is placed in a tower after refusing to be Gothel's daughter. Repunzel escapes and starts a quest to be with her birth mother. Repunzel befriends a young boy named Jack to help her. This graphic novel is in the style of a fairy tale but with a twist of magic and fantasy.
Response: This graphic novel could be appropriate for older elementary readers and could be a quick read. The colorful illustrations add to the magical tale and the adventure of Repunzel.
Heather Zundel's book trailer for a contest.
published Jan. 30, 2010
It's So Amazing
Summary: Written and illustrated in comic book style, this non fiction text detailed about biology and reproduction phases will be informative, descriptive, and created for children who are curious about where babies come from. Equally written for parents who need a basis for introducing children to the topics of "eggs, sperm, birth, babies, families, and so much more.
Response: The comedic side conversations between the bird and the bee make an uncomfortable conversation less intimidating. Parents may select which topics are appropriate for their own children before introducing the book if they so desire.
Book Review by Sex Ed Rescue. A great resource for parents wanting to know more about the book and its contents.
This is Not My Hat
2013 Caldecott Medal Award Winner
Klassen, J. (2012). This is Not My Hat. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Summary: There definitely seems to be a conflict between these two characters in the book. The little fish is oblivious to his surroundings and makes his way to the tall green grass where he thinks he won't get caught. Little does he know, his little stunt of taking something that wasn't his, will be resolved at the end of the book. The reader will have to literally use interpretation skills to figure out what happens to the little fish.
Response: Oh my! Young readers will have to imagine the ending of this book. My kids loved it and so the the first graders I read the book to. They wanted me to read it again and again. We all get a kick out of the big fish's eye! So much is interpreted in his eye's alone.
I love this book trailer!! It is a very fitting representation of the book.
Meet Jon Klassen
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